Introduction from our MD, Chris Hall
A very warm welcome to our first newsletter of 2019.
So 2018 has been and gone, I hope that you all had a good year and best wishes for a great 2019. Let’s hope we get a decision on Brexit and we can all continue with our lives as normal, wouldn’t that be good?
Thanks again to all our customers for their continued loyalty and for the many recommendations that we received from them. Our business would not continue to grow without this.
As most of you will know, we are happy to pay a reward of £50 for every successful customer referral so please tell all your family, friends and work colleagues about us*.
Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
A fee of £149 is payable on application of the mortgage and £200 on issue of the mortgage offer. There may be a further fee payable on mortgage offer of up to £250. The overall amount of the fee is dependent on the amount of research and administration that is required.
The information contained within was correct at the time of publication but is subject to change.